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Forumi :: Forumi :: S60 / V70 (2. gen) / XC70 (2. gen)
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Resetieanje servisa

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04 apr 2016, 09:32 Predogled tiskanja
Član #3165
Prijavljen dne: 27 dec 2012, 21:19
Objav: 5
Pozdravljeni,ali ve mogoče kdo kako se resetira ročno intervalni servis na volvu S60 letnik 2011 1.6d? Sem že probal resetirat preko ogledov na youtubu pa mi ne rata.
Hvala in lpS
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04 apr 2016, 11:04
Član #1421
Prijavljen dne: 17 dec 2009, 14:10
Objav: 1003
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04 apr 2016, 14:14
Član #13365
Prijavljen dne: 02 dec 2015, 16:07
Lokacija: Koper
Objav: 209
Jaz sem za svojega upošteval navodila iz te spletne strani in mi je delalo.

Za tvojega piše takole:

"How To Service Light Reset in Volvo S60 until 2013

For reset the service light oil indicatoror, “Book time for maintenance” message, in your Volvo S60 (2010 to 2013) is very simple:

During the whole process the key must be in its slot, the engine can not start and you must keep your foot out of the brake pedal.

Step 1. Put the ignition switch into position I (press the start engine button one time. The engine can not start);
Step 2. Set the odometer trip to T2;
Step 3. Press and hold the trip odometer reset button (T1/T2 button in the cluster);
Step 4. Turn the ignition switch to position II (press the start engine button again, until lights turns on in the cluster);
Step 5. Wait for 10 seconds, with the trip odometer reset button still pressed;
Step 6. Release the trip odometer reset button when the information lamp starts to flash.

The instrument beeps when resetting service reminder light indicator has been successful.
And that’s it, your service light indicator should be off.

The instructions in this tutorial will work in the following model years:
– 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Volvo XC60
– 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Volvo S60
– 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Volvo V60"
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05 apr 2016, 07:45
Član #411
Prijavljen dne: 13 jul 2007, 15:20
Objav: 1015
še ena metoda je, da zmedeš računalnik in kot kaže avto naredi master reset. Tako mi je kolega poresetiral vse napake na D5 2004. nekako tako: prižgane luči in daješ in vzemaš kontak nekajkrat (ene šestkrat?) za povrstjo - kontakt vzemeš TAKOJ, ko se na števcih pokaže kakrkoli. Kontakt daješ nazaj zelo hitro, v pol sekunde recimo.
Mal sem bil skeptičen, kako je to možno, a mu je ratal. Če danes pomislim, je ta metoda zelo groba in zaskrbljujoča.

[ Uredi 05 apr 2016, 07:58 ]
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